Saturday, September 29, 2012

How to hike to BioFarm Príroda close to Lozorno from Bratislava Slovakia

Hmm, how to start. I am back to homeland again for a little moment,before getting back to world again and I have decided to join one CS activity close to Capital city of Slovakia - Bratislava.

I am going to hitch-hike down there.
Do tomorrow hike which should be around 8 hours - let's see if I will be able to walk after it still (Last time I did 8 hour hike it was to Torres del Paine in Chilian Patagonia and the next day I would be happily let some butchet to cut my right leg just over the ankle). Anyway,there shouldn't be that huge changes in the hights, no running materials etc.

I writing this post just because in general to I wanted to put the probable map online and as I really like one page which I found looking for some calculator of turistic maps, but it seems to be in Beta version and I can't get the permalink from it and the clasical searchers doesn't drow it that pretty with all beautiful statistics.

I would like to write here how to work with this maps as well. As they are not in english and not everybody speaks slovak.

So here comes the MANUAL:
1.) You go to the point where you want to start your route. Click on right bottom of the mouse and choose the option "Začni trasu" - Start the route

2.) Then in some point if you would like to, you can try to put "Pridaj medzibod trasy" - means put the point in the middle - for example some place which you wouldn t like to miss.

3.) To put the ending point of the track choose the  "Ukonči trasu" - End of the route

4.) Then on the right side you have a bar, it s called hikepanner, you will be asked to choose Optimalization criterium for calculation of the route  -  "Optimalizuj trasu pre", where you can choose from 3 options - "minimálnu vzdialenosť" - the shortest distance, "minimálne prevýšenie" - minimal camber or "červenú značku" - red marking - long or mountain range routes.

5. ) And then press "vypočítať" - calculate.

And this is the result afterwards:

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